You may run into this requirement to hide the portal header. Your need may different but I had to hide it for the password recovery site. Modifying portal definition may yield the same result but I found it easier to use a small java script in the html area on the page. Here is the code
if (top.document.getElementById('pthdr2container'))
top.document.getElementById('pthdr2container').className = "pthnavbarhide";
if (top.document.getElementById('pthnavcontainer'))
top.document.getElementById('pthnavcontainer').style.display = "none";
P.S. : Keep in mind that the ElementIDs may be different depending upon your tools versions and the stylesheet used. You also need to add script tags
if (top.document.getElementById('pthdr2container'))
top.document.getElementById('pthdr2container').className = "pthnavbarhide";
if (top.document.getElementById('pthnavcontainer'))
top.document.getElementById('pthnavcontainer').style.display = "none";
P.S. : Keep in mind that the ElementIDs may be different depending upon your tools versions and the stylesheet used. You also need to add script tags